
Product Reviews, Restaurant Reviews and Recipes: All GLUTEN FREE!

Product Review: “Made without Wheat” Soft Brown Baps (by M&S)

M&S Soft Brown Baps

Found at my M&S Food Hall, Fulham. Part of the “Made without Wheat” collection, now appearing in M&S stores across the UK.

These are soft brown rolls which when squeezed do have some bounce. They have a good thick but soft crust with seeds on top. As you can see from the pictures, the bread appeared cracked inside, once I had sliced it open. Largely it stayed together but this appears to be a common problem with Gluten Free breads. The texture of the roll is quite dense and requires a lot of chewing which is why I added the mayonnaise to give some moisture to the sandwich. It was quite dry as a sandwich but good to know it’s GLUTEN FREE.

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